VilleDeHearst.CARE is the localized initiative that coordinates service information in the community for general information.


Community Safety & Correctional Services (Probation and Parole) North East

Timmins Care The image shows the word "Ontario" in gray text accompanied by a gray icon featuring a stylized trillium flower. Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board

Sector: Legal


Contact:  Information not available at this time

Phone: 705-372-2397

Location: 613 Front St, Government Complex Box 2349, ON P0L 1N0

Helps ensure public safety by overseeing offenders who are serving their sentence, or part of it, in the community through supervision, support and prevention. Provides community supervision. Enforces court orders regarding adult probationers, parolees and conditional sentences. Prepares, for people found guilty of offences, pre-sentence reports for criminal courts, and pre-parole reports for the Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board.

Funding source: Government of Ontario

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