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Brighter Futures – Hearst (Grandir Ensemble)

Timmins Care A circular logo with "Brighter Futures" and "Grandir Ensemble" written on an orange background with colorful abstract designs around the edges. Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board

Sector: Food, Support Services


Contact:  Jacinthe Maheux-Poulin; Monique Beaudoin; Brigitte Deschamps

Phone: 705-362-8077 | Fax: 705-372-2814, 705-372-2445

Location: 1100 Edward Street, Postal Bag 5000; 909 George St. PO Box 1630 Hearst ON P0L 1N0

Brighter Futures is a Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) which provides programming for families with children 0-6 years. This program is offered in communities throughout the NEOFACS service area. The Brighter Futures programs operate in partnership with other services and organizations in their respective communities. The population served includes families who are at risk due to isolation, social or economic status, health or age. Programs include teen prenatal, transition to teen parenting and teen parenting groups, playgroups, lending libraries and collective kitchens.

Funding source: The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) provides funding for the Special Delivery/Prenatal Nutrition Program

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