VilleDeHearst.CARE is the localized initiative that coordinates service information in the community for general information.


Bibliothèque publique de Hearst Public Library

Timmins Care A logo for the Hearst Public Library featuring an open book with pages forming steps leading to an arrow pointing north. The text reads "Bibliothèque publique de HEARST Public Library. Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board

Sector: Library 


Contact: Francine Daigle (Librarian)

Phone: 705-372-2843 | Fax: 705-372-2833

Location: 801 George Street, Hearst

In addition to books for adults, teens and children, the library’s collection contains a vast selection of DVD, magazines, puzzles, large print books, audiobooks and online resources.  We also offer interlibrary loan service, mobile library service for homebound patrons, an outdoor book return box, photocopy/fax/scan service, study room, guided library tours by appointment and a variety of activities. We have computers and iPads with Internet access as well as Wi-Fi available to the public.

Funding source: Provincial

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